Busker HoF 07 – Dick Finkel Interview


Episode Notes:

  • Interview by: Robert Nelson – The Butterfly Man
  • Interviewee: Dick Finkel (AKA Ricardo Finkelini)
  • Original Recording Date: December 3, 2011
  • Date: Aired: December 13, 2011
  • Location: Recorded in GarageBand via Speakerphone between Butterfly Acres, Pahoa, Hawaii and Edmonton, AB, Canada
  • Music used in this Podcast: 
    1. Podcast Opening: “Two Seater Long” Royalty Free Jingle available in Apple Computers’ GarageBand.
    2. Robert’s Intro: “Pendulum” Royalty Free Jingle available in Apple Computers’ GarageBand.
    3. Closing Music: “Little Lawrence” by Jelly Roll Morton and his Red Hot Peppers one of the many tracks in the public domain available at MP34U.fm and FunFunFunMedia.com.
  • Mixed and edited by: cbg entertainment in association with Butterfly Broadcasting

Comments: On this week’s episode Robert speaks with the legendary producer of the Edmonton International Street Performer’s Festival, Dick Finkel. Dick’s started in 1985 on a wing and a prayer and grew his festival based on the belief that if you treat performers like artists and shower them a with great hospitality, a world class festival would emerge and it did.

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One Response to Busker HoF 07 – Dick Finkel Interview

  1. Dick Finkel was kind and smart … and produced a top level festival with integrity and the spirit of the Woodstock Festival social activism with an emphasis on community. The festival continues for that reason…

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