Cameryn Moore

camerynCameryn Moore is a playwright/performer, activist, educator, writer, phone sex operator, and sidewalk pornographer. Obviously, she was raised Mormon–it’s either that or Catholic, right?–and left the church at age 13, when she realized that there was not a good future in it for a free-thinking slut.

Cameryn started out in performance at the ripe old age of 28, doing dance and burlesque, but only ever as a sideline to the 9-to-5 grind. She also did freelance writing for years, but again, only as a sideline. When the global economy tanked in 2009 and she got laid off from a horrible soul-draining job in marketing, the profession of phone sex beckoned to her. In between calls she wrote Phone Whore, a one-woman play based on her experiences. She has also written slut (r)evolution, for | play, and Release, and is working on her fifth solo show for 2015.

Since 2010 Cameryn has toured her shows to 40+ cities around the world, garnering critical acclaim and multiple awards, friends and fans, and a whole lotta judgment sometimes, too. (In 2014 she will be performing in eight cities in North America and seven cities in the UK, including the Edinburgh and Brighton fringes.) In addition to performance, Cameryn is the creator and co-host of Smut Slam, an open-mic storytelling event, and Porn Café, a public porn screening and discussion series. She is the co-founder of Sexploreum, a creative adult sex-ed organization based in Montreal, and also helps run the annual Montreal Masturbate-a-thon.

In her spare time, and when the weather is right, Cameryn pounds out custom erotica for strangers on her manual typewriter. She just released Bang It Out, vol. 3 (best of Sidewalk Smut from 2013). You can find her live by staying in touch with her on Facebook and watching for announcements about where the Smut Stand is going up next.

Order the Smut collections at:
Twitter: @camerynmoore

Cameryn’s Writings:

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